We regularly have young rabbits available for sale! If none are currently ready, we do start a waiting list until we have what you are looking for. No deposit is required. If you are unable to arrange to purchase and pick up your requested rabbits in a timely manner, I will simply contact the next buyer on the list.
We do not sell rabbits until they reach 8 weeks of age, and have been evaluated for quality and in perfect health. There are no pre-sales or reservations of individual kits who are under 8 weeks of age, regardless of whether they are still with their mother.
We only sell high-quality animals without show disqualifications, even if they are being bought for meat production or pets. The same qualities that make a good show rabbit also make for strong breeders and healthy pets! This practice also prevents unwanted or substandard genetic traits from being propagated in the breed gene pool, as unlike dogs and cats, they cannot be altered before sale.
American Chinchilla rabbits make exceptional 4-H Fitting and Showing animals. They are also wonderful pets for families with children. This is a very hardy breed, tolerant of being held and petted, curious and playful, with a docile and gentle disposition. All of our animals are evaluated for temperament before sale, and we do not sell, nor breed into our lines, any who exhibit aggressive behavior.
Our junior animals will typically be between 8 weeks to 5 months of age. We recommend waiting until a doe is “7 pounds or 7 months” to ensure she is adequately mature and ready to be a momma.
Male rabbits are called bucks, and females are does. Does gestate for 31 days and "kindle" a litter of kittens (often called "kits"). Litter size averages differ by breed, but "commercial sized" rabbits, such as the American Chinchilla, will often have 4 to 8 kits. Born hairless and blind, kits develop at warp speed, and will be hopping in and out of the nest box within less than 4 weeks!
Junior Doe
Female American Chinchilla Rabbit w/ Pedigree-
Full Pedigree Valid for ARBA Registration
3 Month Healthy Replacement Guarantee
Junior Buck
Male American Chinchilla Rabbit w/ Pedigree-
Full Pedigree Valid for ARBA Registration
3 Month Healthy Replacement Guarantee
Junior Trio
Starting Breeder Setup-
2 Junior Does and 1 Junior Buck
Full Pedigree Valid for ARBA Registration
3 Month Healthy Replacement Guarantee
Trio + Junior Doe
Each Additional Female with Trio Purchase-
Staggered Breeding or Faster Production
Full Pedigree Valid for ARBA Registration
3 Month Healthy Replacement Guarantee
Trio + Junior Buck
Each Additional Male with Trio Purchase-
Greater Genetic Diversity in your Herd
Full Pedigree Valid for ARBA Registration
3 Month Healthy Replacement Guarantee